Heat Pump Cleaning

Ductless Heat Pumps, like most mechanical devices in our lives, work best when they are regularly maintained and cleaned.

Regular heat pump inspection and cleaning will extend the life of your heat pumps and ensure they continue to operate at the highest levels of efficiency.

Heat Pump Deep Cleaning – Our professional staff will conduct a thorough deep cleaning of your indoor heat pump unit. This includes cleaning the drain pan and tube, condenser coil and blower wheel, as well as all filters. Our staff take every precaution to collect all of the dirt, dust and other material that may be removed from the heat pump unit into plastic collection bags that are used during the cleaning process. We do recommend that you move furniture away from the heat pump before we arrive to allow our staff to work around the unit and clean up as we go. $199.00 + Tax for one outdoor plus one indoor unit. $50 + tax for each additional unit on a multi-head system where multiple indoor units are connected to a single outdoor unit. All units must be at the same civic address.

To schedule your Heat Pump Cleaning please contact us today at 902-462-4344 or email info@mjmenergy.ca




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  • Clean Heat Pump


(902) 462-4344